How to Find Freelance Writing Jobs: Methods That Work in 2024

You have been applying to hundreds of jobs on job boards but have received no responses.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a poor writer.

You’re just not using the right strategy to land your first freelance job.

Whether you’re a seasoned freelance writer or a newbie, freelance writing jobs that pay are still plentiful in 2024 and beyond if:

You know where to search…

You know how to promote yourself…

And you know how to distinguish yourself from other writers.

Through my writing career, I have seen firsthand what works and what doesn’t, and I spent the majority of my time stalking other successful writers, making errors along the way.

My goal was simple — find out how to attract high-paying clients and build a lucrative side hustle as a freelance writer.

If you feel discouraged and want a more effective strategy to find a freelance writing job, this post will show you exactly how secure a high-paying freelance copywriting job in 2024.

 5 Best Ways To Find Entry-Level Freelance Writing Jobs

These are proven tactics you can apply to land more high-paying freelance work.

Let’s get to it!

  1. Offer Your Services For Free

It may seem counterintuitive, but offering your services for free to your ideal clients is actually the fastest way to land a high-paying job. This is much better compared to working on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, where you’ll probably land low-quality clients that are difficult to manage.

You can reach out to your ideal client with a completed blog post relevant to their niche and offer to send them content for free in exchange for a testimonial.

You never know; the client can start paying you or refer you to their friends. This way, you can land high-paying, low-maintenance clients in a very short period of time.

Through cold pitching, you can use the brand name from your free job to gain instant credibility and win your dream clients.

  1. Join Relevant Facebook Groups 

As a freelancer, Facebook groups are an excellent way to network and promote your writing services.

Make use of Facebook’s search bar by inputting pertinent keywords related to your writing niche. Consider keywords like “freelance writing,” “content writers,” “bloggers,” or the specific industries you aspire to write for. This will assist you in locating relevant groups, pages, or individuals who share your writing interests.

  1. Develop Your Own Website To Generate Inbound Writing Leads
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Growing an audience is a great way to generate inbound freelance writing opportunities so that you never have to cold pitch for leads.

Consider establishing a website where you regularly publish content on various writing topics.

Several website builders and CMS platforms are available that cater to users without coding knowledge, including:

  • Offers a straight-forward and user-friendly interface with pre-designed templates and customization options.
  • Wix: Provides a drag-and-drop website builder with ready-made templates for effortless customization.
  • Squarespace: Known for its aesthetically appealing templates and intuitive interface.
  • Weebly: Another drag-and-drop website builder that streamlines the process of developing websites.

Once you’ve selected a website builder, sign up for an account. The majority of website builders offer domain registration services, so you can purchase your domain through them directly. Choose a domain name that reflects your writing brand or niche. Keep it short, memorable, and relevant to your writing services.

Your website should have the following pages:

  • Home Page: This is the main landing page of your website and provides an overview of the writing services you offer. It should be succinct, informative, and persuasive in conveying what you offer as a freelance writer.
  • About Me: This page is dedicated to introducing yourself as a writer. Share your background, expertise, experience, and passion for writing. Make it personal and highlight the unique qualities that distinguish you from other freelance writers.
  • Services: The services page outlines the writing services you offer. Clearly list the types of writing you specialize in, such as blog posts, articles, web content, copywriting, technical writing, etc. Clients are interested in hiring specialists rather than generalists, so pick two or three services to offer.
  • Portfolio: Showcase your writing samples in a dedicated portfolio section. Include only your best writing samples. Most people only read two or three samples before hiring, so ensure those two or three pieces they read are your very best work.
  • Testimonials: Display testimonials or reviews from satisfied clients. Positive feedback from previous clients can build trust and credibility with potential clients.
  • Contact: This page should provide various ways for potential clients to get in touch with you. Include a contact form, your email address, and any relevant social media profiles or other communication channels.
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Once your website is up and running, it’s time to start creating content.

Begin by researching keywords related to “freelance writing” that your potential prospects might search when looking to hire a writer.

You can also use SEO keyword research tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to find these keywords. Then, create your own unique blog post for that keyword.

Once you’ve decided on a keyword, here are some SEO tips to follow:

  • Include target keywords naturally in page titles of relevant pages.
  • Ensure titles accurately represent the content of each page.
  • Write compelling meta descriptions with targeted keywords.
  • Use keywords in headings and subheadings for better page structure.
  • Incorporate keywords naturally throughout your content.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing to maintain positive search rankings.
  • Keep URLs simple and descriptive, and include target keywords if possible.


  1. Approach Businesses Looking For Writers Using Google Search

One of my favorite hacks to find freelance writing jobs online is to enter the keyword “looking for writers” in Google and look for companies interested in hiring freelance writers.

Once you’ve identified a company, click on it to read the job description and submit an online application.

Similarly, you can find such direct writing opportunities using a variety of queries, like:

  • “freelance writers needed”
  • “Need technical writers”
  • “writers wanted”

Setting up Google Alerts is another way to automate the process; to do so, visit the Google Alerts page, enter the desired keyword, and select “Create Alert.”

Then, filter alerts according to your needs. You can modify the parameters to specify whether Google should email you the search results on a daily, weekly, or as-needed basis. You may also opt to receive daily inbox notifications with the most pertinent writing job opportunities by specifying the region.

  1. Write Guest Posts To Build a Strong Portfolio

Many hiring managers don’t even bother posting jobs because of the overwhelming number of applications. So most hiring managers simply hire the best writers who have written for their competitors.

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To gain the attention of these hiring managers, offer to write guest posts for the most reputable companies in your industry and if they like the work, they might offer to hire you. This is also an excellent way to bolster your freelance writing portfolio.

To identify guest posting opportunities, determine the specific topics and industries you specialize in or are passionate about. This will help you target websites and blogs relevant to your expertise.

Use search engines to find websites that cover topics similar to your writing niche. Find blogs accepting guest posts or have a “Write for Us” page.

Besides, you can initiate contact with the companies of your dreams directly, even if they do not advertise guest posting opportunities.

Then, directly approach the content manager with a customized guest post proposal that fits their ideal target audience.

Final remarks,

In an era defined by digital connectivity and remote work, freelance writing has blossomed into an irresistible opportunity for writers globally. I understand how mystifying it can be when you are trying to make a headway in writing. You feel like there’s a door you need to find, a person you need to know, or a secret you must unlock to become a freelance writer.

But really, the path to freelance writing jobs for beginners is simple.

You only need to find someone willing to let you write for them. That’s it.

Starting with entry-level freelance writing jobs will let you create a portfolio that you can show when pitching to clients.

This comprehensive manual serves as a guide to effectively traverse the complex terrain of the freelance writing landscape. These invaluable insights and actionable tips will help you navigate the exciting world of freelance writing with confidence and finesse. Take the plunge, stay persistent, and watch as your passion for writing translates into a fulfilling and lucrative freelance career.