Our Blog Articles

An AI would have written this article and you’d have no way to know it. There has been a buzz on the internet about the good, the bad, and the ugly of AI writing. As a result, schools are fighting with ChatGPT and AI. Nevertheless, AI is here to stay and we can’t avoid it.

You have been applying to hundreds of jobs on job boards but have received no responses. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a poor writer. You’re just not using the right strategy to land your first freelance job. Whether you’re a seasoned freelance writer or a newbie, freelance writing jobs that pay are still plentiful

Everyone has to start somewhere, but starting out as a writer can be particularly intimidating. It’s an excruciating quandary I never expected to encounter. When I started my writing career I was in a bind: to attract clients, I needed a portfolio of work, but to get work for my portfolio, I needed clients. It’s

In this age of constant digital connectivity, information flows freely, and the world is more accessible than ever. The power of the written word remains undeniably influential. Whether it’s an eye-catching headline or a thought-provoking article, online writing can shape opinions, spark discussions, and drive change. But have you ever wondered how development journalism, with

Ask any writer about their greatest fear, and they’ll probably state something stupid and apparent, such as snakes, heights, or clowns. But what should we really be scared about? Running out of stuff to write about is the worst nightmare every writer has to deal with in the world of freelance writing. Developing new ideas from scratch

If you’re a student, researcher, or aspiring academic, you’ll agree that academic writing skills are essential for academic success. You must improve your writing skills to publish research articles, secure grants, or advance in your field of study. In this article, I’ll take you on a fascinating voyage of self-discovery to see if you have

Statistics from Glassdoor, an online anonymous forum on employment issues, show that the average annual salary for freelance travel writers is $ 54,285. As a result, it is conceivable to make a career as a travel writer. Travel writing is a popular niche in the world of digital nomads, freelancers, and aspiring writers, especially if you’re

Picture this: you wake up, sip your morning coffee, and head to your home office, ready to tackle the day’s projects. No boss breathing down your neck, no rigid office hours – just you, your skills, and your clients. Freelancing, with its promise of freedom and flexibility, is the dream job for many. But with