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It’s disheartening to see good writers — the ones who think carefully about every word, who can make you laugh or cry or sing with their writing — not succeed in what they are really good at. Their work takes you on an emotive rollercoaster, stirring an avalanche of unbeknown emotions, opening up crevices of

One powerful stroke of his sharpened machete severed the head cleanly, warm blood gushed out of severed arteries flowing into a blood-filled trench, running across the eastern wall of the abattoir. He was used to the sound of death, the loud bawling of dying beasts as they kicked and thrust and gasped one last time,

Sledge, not his real name, slurs incomprehensible words, euphoric in a newly found utopia. His king-sized bed, a pile of waste, discarded plastic bottles, rusty cans, and stinky Tetra park milk cartons, is his treasure trove. This mountain of garbage a sore sight to some is his family’s livelihood. Sledge is an Entrepreneur, a hustling

A business plan is a secret sauce to launching any business successfully. A well-written Business plan will get your startup funding when you know how to work with investors. Because it will; offer clarity Having a business plan will give you a much better understanding of your business and the objectives you are trying to

Did you know that as a consumer you can make extra cash for your opinions by writing reviews online? Normally, companies don’t just create distinguished products and services out of thin air. In fact, it takes a lot of research and development to provide solutions to the market. And as it turns out, consumers contribute

Here is a little story about locus of control, a success condition many people don’t exist. I also I didn’t, but one morning chasing rabbits down internet holes while researching for an article, I bumped into these three words and didn’t know what they meant. The curious me couldn’t let it go I had to

Since creation, humans have been the only creatures allowed to think. Not anymore; now, machines think too! And…surprise! They think better than humans. Artificial Intelligence (AI), the ability of machines to outthink an average human, is here, and it isn’t going anywhere. You might have been fooled speaking to a soft-spoken, sweet-sounding, sensuous robot or

Let’s face it, lead generation while building your startup is the most important aspect. As an entrepreneur, you definitely know that starting a business is extremely exciting, but can be dauntingly challenging. Starting e-commerce however has a special allure, a kind of addictive adrenaline rush that courses through your veins powering long sweaty hours, maniacal

“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Wrote Napoleon Hill in his famous book “Think and Grow Rich” It’s a mantra many famous people have embraced and achieved greatness. Writers too should embrace the same mantra. After all, they live in their minds, creating, critiquing, and churning out content. What’s your mindset about writing?

In 2017 I finally took the plunge, to express myself in words — a burning desire that had consumed my childhood dreams. I was way past the age of adventure-seeking, in my twilight thirties. I was committed to stability. Writing wasn’t just a hobby, but a life and death commitment I would do this to